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   J. B. ; Bonomi the Younger ;
   Jessie Martin in 1844
   1796 in Rome
   Wimbledon, London
   architect draughtsman Joseph Bonomi the Elder (1739-1808)
   architect Ignatius Bonomi (1787-1870) (brother) ; John Martin (1789-1854) (father-in-law)
   pupil of Charles Bell at Royal Academy, Rome, scultpure from Joseph Nollekens
   Robert Hay (1799-1863) ; James Burton: Excerpta hieroglyphica ; John Gardiner Wilkinson: Manners Customs Ancient Egyptians (1839) ; Samuel Birch ; J. Bonomi: Nineveh (1853) ; S. Birch: Gallery of Antiquities (1842) ; egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius (1810-1884) ;
   British Museum London ; Sir John Sloane Museum ;
   draughtsman Edward William Lane ; A. Dupuy ; Arundale ;
   natural sculpture, drawing, plaster casting ; archaeological lithography ;
   correspondence and papers in Cambridge:
   Bryan 1886 ; AKL 12 1996: 603 ; Elke Freier & Stefan Grunert: Eine Reise durch Ägypten (Berlin 1984) ;
   Further Places of Activity: born in Rome (Italy), but settled in London soon thereafter; since 1829 also active as archaeologist in Egypt, Palestine & Syria; as, museum curator; traveling draughtsman to Malta & Egypt; Middle East; inventor of view-finder drawing frame & body proportions gauge.

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