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   Katharine °
   K. S. ; Katherine Wheelwright ;
   tradesman James Renault Saunders (1818-1892) in 1851
   Charles James Renault Saunders (1857-1935) chief magistrate in Kwa Zulu Natal ;
   1824 in Tansor, Northamptonshire
   Tongaat, Natal
   Campm Charles Apthorp Wheelwright (1787-1858) ; Anna Hubbard (1791-1xxx) (mother)
   5 siblings: Georg 1813, Horatio William (1815-65) naturalist, Anna 1816 decorative painter; Spencer Churchill; Charles Apthorp, Henrietta Pretyman
   music, watercolor painting, languages; Mark Johnston McKen in botanical illustration
   South Africa
   Joseph D. Hooker ; Harry Bolus ; William Harvey ; William Thiselton-Dyer ;
   Royal Botanic Gardens Kew ;
   botanical painting, watercolour painting, and drawing ; ;
   Natal Museum Pietermaritzburg, Kew Gardens, Trinity College Dublin ,
   A. Bayer: Flower Paintings of Katherine Saunders (1979) ; Mary Gunn: botanical Exploration of South Africa (1981) ; Creese: Ladies in Laboratory vol. 3 2010: 4f. ;
   1854 to Cape Town, Durban. Aloe saundersiae and Haemanthus katherinae named in her honor.

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