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   Thomas Hannaford
   T. H. H. ; captain Th. H. ;
   Elizabeth, née Proudfoot ? (1xxx-1xxx)
   at least one son in St. George's, Bermuda named Samuel Proudfoot Hurd (1793-1xxx): see
   1747 in Plymouth, Devon
   trained to become seaman in the Royal Navy, since 1768 learning the trade of hydrographer & surveyor under the direction of ->Samuel Holland
   cartographer ->Samuel Holland aboard HMS Canceaux in the Newfoundland & Halifax station, Canada ; Lord Howe aboard Flag ship HMS Eagle ;
   by Lord Howe, Surveyor General to Cape Breton 1785/86 ; 1808-23: second Admiralty Hydrographer ; Royal Navy ;
   cartographer -> Samuel Holland ; cartographer Edward Wright ;
   maritime, topographical, and cartographical map-making : ink & pen drawing ; hand-colouring ;
   DNB 28 1891 ; Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford: Oxford University Press, Sept 2004) ; John Blake: Vermessung der Meere (2007: 107-9) ;
   Since 1787 active in Bermuda ; cf. and ..._west_...

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