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   E. A. ; since 1862 also E & H. T. Anthony ;
   1818 / 1819 (?) in New York City
   New York City
   Brother Henry T. Anthony (w. background in civil engineering & banking), who joined E.A. in the business in 1852, renamed E & H.T. Anthony in 1862
   studies civil engineering at Columbia Univ., New York City, lessons from Samuel F.B Morse in daguerreotype photography
   United States of America
   Professor James Kenwick in the surveying the northeast boundary of the United States ;
   daguerreotype, photography, and stereo-photography ; manufacturing of stereographs,_by_E._&_H.T._Anthony_%28Firm%29_3.png ; bottom of and ...../librarium/pm.cgi?action=display&login=eanthony
   Oliver Holmes: Atlantic Montly 8(1861) 14ff. & vol. 12, issue 69 (July 1863) ;
   in 1842, E. Anthony opened his Daguerreotype gallery in New York, later located at Broadway 203, New York City, since 1862 E. & H.T. Anthony.

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