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   George Bowdler
   G. B. B. ;
   Mary Ann Odling ;
   1818 in Pentonville, London
   Weycombe, Haslemere, Surrey
   proctor in Prerogative Court of Canterbury: George Buckton (1790 c. -1847) ;
   chemist William Odling (1829-1921) (brother-in-law) ;
   Royal College of Chemistry London ;
   England, UK
   Monograph British aphides (London 1876-1883) ; Monograph of the British cicadae or tettigidae (London 1890/91) ;
   Royal College of Chemistry, London; Britsh Association; Linnean & Entomological Society ;
   chemist August Wilhelm von Hofmann (1818-1892) ; colorist George Standish ;
   entomological drawing, lithography, and painting ;;view=thumb;seq=449 ; ;
   DNB ; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 # 659 ; Lapage 1961: 73f. ;

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