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   Jan Laurenszoon van der
   J. L. v. d. V. ; Jan van der Vinne ;
   painter Jan Janszoon van der Vinne (1734-1805) ; painter Vincent van der Vinne (1736-1811)
   1699 in Haarlem, Noord-Holland
   Haarlem, Noord-Holland
   painter, etcher Laurens van der Vinne (1658-1729)
   painter Vincent Laurensz. (1686-1742) (brother) ; painter Jacob Laurensz. (1688-1737) (brother) ;
   paintings for bulb growers in Haarlem ;
   botanical drawing, watercolour, painting, and etching ;
   British Museum Natural History, London ;
   AKL ; Sawyer 1971: 194 ;

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