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   H. H. ; Hermanus Henstenburg ;
   Meyntje de Kneu in 1693
   draughtsman and baker Anton Henstenburgh (1695-1781)
   1667 in Hoorn, Noord-Holland
   Hoorn, Noord-Holland
   apprentice and successor to pastry-baker and painter Johannes Bronkhorst in Hoorn
   botanist and naturalist Agnes Block ;
   regent Antony Verlaan
   artist Johannes Bronkhorst ; Anton Henstenburgh (son) ; Pieter Holsteijn ;
   botanical, entomological, and ornithological painting, drawing, watercolour ; hand-colouring ; on vellum ; ;
   British Museum Natural History; Boymans Museum Rotterdam ;
   AKL 72 2012: 79 ; Sawyer 1971: 138 ; Pinault et al. 1984: 49 ;

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