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   W. S. ; Sherwin the Younger ;
   Elizabeth Pride, great-niece and ward of George Monck, 1st Duke of Albemarle, whose heir-at-law she eventually became ;
   1645 c. in Wallington, Hertfordshire
   William Sherwin (1607-1687 ?), the nonconformist minister & rector of Wallington, Hertfordshire around 1645
   by Prince Rupert, who taught him mezzotint
   United Kingdom
   Francis Willughby & John Ray: Ornithologia (1676) resp. Ornithology (1678) ;
   engraver->William Faithorne ; engraver-> Frederick van Hove ; printer John Martin ;
   ornithological copperplate engraving, etching, and mezzotint ;,_William_%28fl.1670-1710%29_%28DNB00%29 ;
   DNB ; Jackson 1989: 56, 59 & 61 ;

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