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   William Henry
   W. H. P. ; Wilhelm Heinrich Prestele ;
   1838 in Hessen-Darmstadt, now Germany
   Arlington, Virginia
   flower and fruit painter & lithographer ->Franz Joseph Martin Prestele
   Karoline Russ (mother) ;
   United States of America
   Thomas Volney Munson (1843-1913) ;
   Pomological Division of United States Department of Agriculture, Washington DC
   publisher L. B. Littlefield ; father and brother Gottlieb Prestele ;
   botanical and pomological lithography, watercolour, painting, and drawing ;[]=tags&search_query=prestele ; ;
   USDA Pomological watercolor collection; National Agricultural Library ;
   Charles Van Ravenswaay: The Botanical Art of Joseph Prestele and His Sons, (Washington 1984) ;
   Further Place of Activity: Germany. He grew up in Amana Colonies in Iowa, opened a Lithography company in Iowa City 1875.

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