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   Georg / Jörg
   G. G. ; Jörg Glockenton der Ältere / G. G. d. Ä. / Glockendon the Elder ;
   his wife also contributed to Behaim's Erdapfel (her work was compensated w.1 Gulden) ;
   12 sons:miniaturist and woodcutter Albrecht Glockendon the Younger (1500 c. -1545) ; master illuminator Nikolaus Glockendon (1490-1534) ; ...
   1484 fl.
   in Nuremberg ?
   artist and printer Albrecht Glockendon the Elder (c. 1432-1474)
   Georg Glockendon the Younger (1492-1553) (grandson) ; Gabriel Glockendon (grandson) ; see
   trained in fine and applied arts by family members ;
   24 globus segments for the German cosmographer Martin Behaim's (1459-1507): Erdapfel (1492): globe production as illuminator: 15 weeks, paid with 15 Gulden + free meels & drinks ; Jean Pelerin: Von der Kunst-Perspectiva. (1509) ; G. G.: Topographische Charte von Deutschland (c. 1510) ;
   Erhard Etzlaub (1460 c. -1531) on precise topographical maps of Nuremberg and its surroundings ; Martin Behaim; mathematician and balance-maker Ruprecht Kolberger (1470-1505) ;
   topographical and cartographical drawing, woodblock cut ; illuminating / hand-colouring ; map-making ; ; ;,%20Georg ;
   Bryan 1889 ; ADB 9 1879: 238 ; J. C. Smith in Grove Art Online (2012) ; W. Iwanczak: Die Kartenmacher (Darmstadt 2005: 120f., 174f. & 188f.) ; Diefenbacher, Heinz & Bach-Damaskinos 2002: 12 ; Robert Jaques: Die Karte auf der Kugel. Ritter Martin Behaim, Globusmacher und Seefahrer, Berlin 1942, esp. pp. 80-81 ; Focus 1993: 133, 151, 184f. et passim
   Active in Nürnberg, also known as instrument maker & publisher; his family kept in this business until the end of the 16th c.

Further child: Albrecht Glockendon (1495-1545).

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