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   Ernest Albert
   E. A. W. ;
   Mary Margaret Sophie (daughter of Heidelberg Prof. Carl Hofmann)
   lithographer Albert Crakell Waterlow
   mother Maria Waterlow; sister Constance married Ferrier 1874;
   Eltham Collegiate School, Heidelberg, Ouchy
   United Kingdom
   brain researcher David Ferrier (1843-1928): Functions of the Brain 1876 & Exp. Researches, West Riding Lun Asyl Med Reports 1873
   Royal Academy; Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours
   Alexander Ecker; J. C. Galton; Robert Reid
   anatomical painting, drawing
   David Millett:Illustrating a Revolution ..Cerebral Localization, Note Records of the Royal Society London 52(1998):283-305; DNB 1921:557-8;
   Ferrier: Localization of Cerebral Disease 1878; landscape painting

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