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   T. G. ; Teodoro Mantuano / Teodoro Ghigi ;
   1536 in Mantua
   engraver Giorgio Ghisi (1512/20-1582) (brother) ;
   Ulisse Aldrovandi ; De omnium animalium ;
   Duke & Duchess of Mantua (custodian of their summer residence Palazzo del Te)
   Ligozzi ; Neri ; Benini ; Schwindt ; Budano ; Pastorini ; Froeschl ; Refati ; Tibaldi ; Cavazzoni ; Passarotti ; Coriolano/Lederlein ;
   natural and animal oil painting and drawing ;
   Pier Candido Decembrio (Vatican library) ; ;
   C. M. Pyle: Art as science, Endeavour 24, 2 (2000): 72-4 ; AKL ; ThB13 1920: 564 ;
   See Giuseppe Olmi at:

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