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   H. B. ;
   in 1914 w. Minnie Catherine ( -1957) née Duckett, at Chelsea Registry Office in London
   1879 in Stamford, Lincolnshire, England
   journeyman cabinet maker William Burton
   Ann Hufton (mother), 10 siblings (H. B. was the fifth of eleven children)
   since 1896 for art historian Robert Henry Hobart Cust in Florence; since 1910 for archeologist Theodore M. Davis; photographs for Ostraka and name stones from the tomb of Sen-Mūt (no. 71) at Thebes; The Temple of Mentuhotep at Deir el Bahari; The tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen, discovered by the late Earl of Carnarvon & Howard Carter (based on 1,400 photographs taken between 1922 and 1932); Howard Carter: The Tomb of Tut.ankh.Amen (London 1923 & 1927);
   since 1914 official photographer of the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Egyptian Expedition,
   archaeological, esp. egyptological, and topographical photography's_tomb.jpg ;
   Marsha Hill: Leben und Werk von Harry Burton, in: Erik Hornung: Das Grab Sethos I, Düsseldorf & Zurich, 1999: 31-34; Dawson, W; Uphill, E; Bierbrier, M (1995). Who Was Who in Egyptology, 3rd ed (London 1995); Ronald T. Ridley: The Dean of Archaeological Photographers: Harry Burton, in: Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 99 (2013);
   H. B. was an English archaeological photographer & egyptologist, best known for his photographs of excavations in Egypt's Valley of the Kings near Thebes; see also . Further Place of Activity: England.

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