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   A. S. ;
   1875 in Cologne
   Funchal, Madeira
   Prussian officer
   initially trained as military officer, later studies in astronomy and botanics at the University Göttingen ;
   A. S.: Sultanat Bornu mit besonderer Berücksichtigung Deutsch-Bornus (today Tschad; Ph.D. thesis Essen 1910; in English version: Sultanate of Bornu (London 1968)) ; Die wichtigsten Seidenspinner Afrikas Mit bes. Berücks. d. Gesellschaftsspinner - Nach dem heutigen Stand der Wissenschaft ( Berlin c. 1920) ; Die Charaxiden und Apaturiden der Kolonie Kamerun: Eine zoogeographische und biologische Studie (Berlin 1916) ; Die Sielhafenorte und das Problem des regionalen Typus im Bauplan der Kulturlandschaft (Göttingen 1962) ;
   In 1903/04, Schultze took part in the geographic measurements at the border between Kamerun and Nord-Nigeria (Yola-Tschadsee-border-expedition), directed by military officer Hans Glauning (1868-1908) ; in 1910/11, he took part as geographer at the central-africa-expedition of count Adolf Friedrich zu Mecklenburg (1873-1969) ;
   geographical, zoological, anthropological, and ethnographical photography ;
   Theye 1989: 82 ; Hanns Zischler & Hanna Zeckau: Der Schmetterlingskoffer. Die tropischen Expeditionen von Arnold Schultze (2010) ;
   A. S. was a German colonial officer, initially trained in the Brandenburg military, later commanded to serve in the foreign office. He served in Camerun, North Nigeria, and Tschad. Further Place of activity: Germany. For a full list of his scientific publications see at African Butterfly Database: .

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