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   Mulford Bateman
   M. B. F. ; "Father of the Bromeliad" / botanical shortname: M. B. Foster ;
   2 times: 1: Fridel Tautenhahn (1888-1974) in 1911 (divorced in 1933); 2: Racine Sarasy (1910-1991) in 1935
   with 1: Gerda Hannah Muzzall (1912-1970), Bert Tautenhahn (1919-2004), Miriam (1920-xxxx) ; twins with only one daughter: Jeanne Eunice (1922-xxxx)
   1888 in Elmer, New Jersey
   Orlando, Florida
   editor of the "Elmer Times", Samuel Preston Foster (1859-1925)
   Fannie Reeves Bateman Foster (1860-1950) (mother) ; Hubert Sherrard Foster (1885-1974) (half-brother)
   Philadelphia business school
   United States of America
   prolific writer, cf. ;
   botanical gouache ; ; ;
   See also: .

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