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   Friedrich Gottlieb
   F. G. B. ;
   1789 in Hannover
   natural sciences at the University of Göttingen
   F. G. B. & Heinrich Ludolph Wendland (1792-1869): Beiträge zur Botanik (Göttingen 1824) ; F. G. B. & Ernst Georg Ludwig Hampe (1795-1880): Vegetabilia cellularia in Germania septentrionale praesertim in Hercynia et in agro Gottingensi (1832–1845) ; Karl Friedrich Philipp von Martius: Flora brasiliensis (München & Leipzig: R. Oldenbourg, 1840-1906: plates 79, 85 & 125) ;
   botanical drawing ; ;
   ADB 46 1902: 224 f. ; NDB 1 1952: 611 f. ;
   Further Places of Activity: Hungary and Croatia. See also: and .

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