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   R. L. ;
   1830 in Königsberg, Prussia
   Paris, France
   pharmacologist Oskar Liebreich
   medical studies in Halle in 1853,then assistant of Donders in Utrecht & of Albrecht v.Graefe in Berlin
   Hermann von Helmholtz ; Albrecht von Graefe ; for his own Ophthalmoscopic Atlas (Paris 1863, engl. 1870, with 57 color plates) ; R. Liebreich: Eine neue Methode der Cataract-Extraction (1872) ; School life in its influence on sight and figure (1877) ;
   coloured anatomical and ophthalmological drawing for engraving ; chromolithography ; portrait painting ; ; ;
   Simon Behrman: R. L., first iconographer of the fundus oculi, Brit. J. Ophthalmology 52 (1968): 335-8 ;
   Since 1862 settled in Paris, France.

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