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   Willard Cope
   W. C. B. ;
   1880 in West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA
   Samuel Lewis
   Elizabeth (Smith) Brinton (mother)
   BS in Mechanical engineering from Harvard University in 1907
   United States of America
   Willard C. Brinton: Graphic Methods for Presenting Facts (New York 1914) ; Graphic Presentation (New York City: Brinton associates, 1939) ;
   member of the American Society for Mechanical Engineering since 1907 ; since 1914 chairman of a new committee to develop standards for graphic
   W. C. B. became director of the American Statistical Association in 1917 under the presidency of Allyn Abbott Young, and was elected as a Fellow of the American Statistical Association in 1922. He was president of the Harvard Engineering Society in 1932, and member of the Newcomen Society of the United States.
   pen-and-ink diagrams, flow-charts ; chemical, engineering, and technical drawing ; ;
   Michael Sappol: Body Modern. Fritz Kahn, Scientific Illustration and the Homuncular Subject (Minneapolis 2017: 109) ;

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