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   G. B. ;
   Paula née Velázquez in 1556 ;
   1520 in Baeza, Spain
   Madrid, Spain
   unfluenced by Raffael, Michelangelo; 1545/46 assistant of Giorgio Vasari
   Juan Valverde: di Hamusco's manual of anatomy 1556 ;
   Cardinal Archbishop Juan de Toleto; Felipe II ;
   ->Nicolas Beatrizet; Daniel de Volterra: La Natività della Vergine in SS. Trinità del Monti; scluptor Morláne the Younger; Miguel Barroso; Bartolomé del Rio Bernuis; Francisco López; Miguel Martínez; Baltasar Torneo; Toribio Gonzáles
   anatomical painting, plaster figures, and drawing ;
   AKL 8 1994, 106 ; ThB 3 1909, 131 ; Choulant 1920: 205 ;
   Further Places of Activity: Italy (Rome) and Spain (Zaragossa).

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