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   H. P. v. W. ; Henry Peters van Wilson ;
   in 1893 to Edith Theresa Stickney (d. 1900) from Boston
   Edith Stedman = Mrs. Thorndike Saville (b. 1894) ; Eleanora Stansbury = Mrs. Howell Peacock (b. 1896) ; Henry Van Peters, Jr. (b. 1898)
   1863 in Baltimore
   Chapel Hill, NC
   Samuel Augustus Wilson
   Scotish, English, and Dutch-German ancestors ;
   medecine at the The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
   United States of America
   The sponges (1904) ;
   marine and zoological drawing ; ; ;
   Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 # 4419 ;
   Was a professor at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Biology.

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