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   A. C. ; Alexander Cousens / Couzens ;
   daughter of engraver John Pine in 1746 in London ;
   at least 1 son
   1717 in Kasan ?, Russia
   London, England, UK
   shipbuilder Richard Cozens
   brothers in law Simon & Robert Edge Pine
   studied painting in London; 1746 taught oilpainting by Claude-Joseph Vernet in Rome
   England, UK
   obstetrician William Hunter: Anatomy Gravid Uterus (1774: plate 21) ; Christ's Hospital ;
   engraver ->Francois Germain Aliamet ; "Signor Giorgio" ; pupils: George Simon Harcourt, Viscount & Elizabeth, Lady Amabel Polwarth, Fam. Grimston, George Beaumont ; William Austin, William Beckford ; Nuneham ;
   anatomical painting, drawing, and etching ; , ;
   AKL 22 1999, 106; ThB 8 1913, 32 ; Choulant 1920: 296; Thornton & Reeves 1983: 89.
   Further Place of Activity: United Kingdom (since 1727 in England), since 1740s again in Russia, and c. 1744-1746 in Italy.

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