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   G. F. ; born Jemme Reinerszoon / Reinersz ;
   at least two sons, among them Cornelius (or Cornelio) Gemma (1535-1578)
   1508 in Dokkum, Friesland, nowadayy th Netherlands
   at the University of Leuven
   Cornelius (or Cornelio) Gemma (1535-1578) ; Gerhard Mercator (1512-1594) ;
   cartographical drawing and 3D globe making ;
   Mokre 2005: 6, 17f. & 60 ; Robert Haardt: The globe of Gemma Frisius (Leiden 1952) ; G. Kish: Medicina, mensura, mathematica. The Life and Works of Gemma Frisius (Minneapolis 1967) ;
   Further Place of Activity: Belgium.

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