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   Benjamin Nieve
   B. N. P. ; B. N. Peach ;
   trained as a geologist
   United Kingdom
   Description of Arthur's Seat volcano ; Guide to the geological model of the Assynt Mountains ; Monograph on the higher Crustacea of the carboniferous rocks of Scotland ; Geology of central and western Fife & Kinross (sheets 32, 40, 48) ; Geology of Glenelg, Lochalsh & south-east part of Skye ; Geology of Islay ;
   Geological Society of London (publ. in its Quarterly Journal) ;
   lithographer -> F. H. Michael ; publisher Mintern Bros. ;
   geological and paleontological drawing ; 3D modelling ; geological map making ; & ,,%20B.%20N.%20%28Benjamin%20Nieve%29,%201842-1926%22 ,

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