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Page 44 of 1362
Bach, Aloys
Dates of birth and death: 1809 in Eschlkam - 1893
Also known as: A. B. ; Alois Bach ;
Worked for: C. Spitzweg: Der Klapperstorch (1885) ;

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Bach, Johann Gottlob
Dates of birth and death: 1809 in Klein-Lehna near Lützen near Leipzig - 1847
Also known as: J. G. B. ;
Worked for: zoologist Gustav Heinrich Theodor Eimer (1843-1898) ; Georg Ferdinand Otto Müller (1837-1917) ; Heinrich Rudolf Simroth (1851-1917) ; astronomer Oswald Lohse (1845-1915): lithos of sunspot drawings (1883) ; Robby August Kossmann (1849-1907) ; Matthias Jakob Schleiden (1804-1881) ;

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Bach, Herbert
Dates of birth and death: 1926 in Gotha / Thuringia - 1996
Also known as: H. B. ;
Worked for: University of Jena (Direktor des Instituts für Anthropologie und Humangenetik des Bereichs Medizin der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena) ; Bach, Adelheid & Herbert Bach: Der Mensch. Vererbung und Formenvielfalt (Leipzig ; Jena ; Berlin: VEB Urania Verlag, 1965) ;

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Bacharach, Isaak
Dates of birth and death: 1854 in Seligenstadt - 1942
Also known as: I. B. ;
Worked for:  

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Bacheley, Jacques
Dates of birth and death: 1712 in Pont l'Evèque, Normandy - 1781
Also known as: J. B. ;
Worked for: Pierre Joseph Buchoz ; naturalist & chirugien Claude Nicolaes Le Cat: Traité de la couleur de la peau humaine (1765) ;

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Bachelier, Charles Claude
Dates of birth and death: 1834 - 1852 / 1880 ?
Also known as: C. C. B. ;
Worked for: Graf Emanuel (Mano) Andras(s)y (1821-1891) ;

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Bachmayer, Wolfgang
Dates of birth and death: 1597 in Ulm - 1685
Also known as: W. B. ; Bachmeier / Bachmeyer ;
Worked for: map "Eygentlicher Grund- und Abriß der Helfensteinischen Herrschaft Ulmischen Theils, (...) darinnen sowol die obrigkeitliche Gränze als auch die Hölzer in ihrer wahren natürlichen Form, Distanz und Grössen aufgerissen seyn" (Ulm 1651) ;

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Back, George
Dates of birth and death: 1796 in Stockport - 1878
Also known as: G. B. ; Sir George Back ; Captain Back
Worked for: Royal Navy ; G. Back: Narrative of the Arctic land expedition ; Narrative of an expedition in H. M. S. Terror ;

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Back, Johann Conrad
Dates of birth and death: 1686 ? - 1739 ?
Also known as: J. C. B. ;
Worked for:  

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Bade, Ernst
Dates of birth and death: 1900 fl. -  
Also known as: E. B. ;
Worked for:  

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