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   C. B. ; Carl Traugott Beyer ;
   1792 in Meißen, Germany
   1863 after
   Dresden Academy of Arts; teacher: Johann David Schubert, Christian August Lindner;
   Karl Bodmer; Honoré de Balzac: La Peau de Chagrin (Paris 1838) ; Victor Hugo: Notre-Dame de Paris (1844) ; Adolphe Thiers: Hist. du Consulat et de l'Empire (1845) ; Jacques Antoine Dulaure: Hist. de Paris (1821/22) ; Gavard: Gal. de Versailles (1838-45) ;
   natural and landscape etching, drawing, copper, and steel engraving[]=pi%3Anla.pic*&type=all&lookfor=Beyer%2C+Charles+&x=0&y=0
   AKL 10 1995, 333; ThB 3 1909, 565; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78
   Further Place of Activity: France. Known for portraits, battles, and genre drawing.

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